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Employee Policy Drafting Template

Employee Policy Drafting Template

In many ways, sports (especially team sports) and organisations are the same. They each have a team, they have a manager, they have an objective to achieve, competition (internal as well as external), performance is measured, etc.

However, unlike sports, there is no rule book when it comes to a workplace. That’s where employee policies help in governing the day-to-day functioning of a workplace.

Employee policies are nothing but rules and regulations of the organisation. The better they are articulate, the easier it is to implement them. In the long run they:

  1. Enable you to take faster decisions in employee matters,
  2. Ensure little or no disruption in operations, and;
  3. Most importantly, they help you create a good work environment.

This template is a guide to help you draft your employee policies. It outlines the major sections and also provides prompts on what to include in each section.